
New Tesco Store – Typhoon Warehouse, Lincoln

Asbestos roof sheeting was demolished remotely in accordance with the latest HSE guidance employing methods detailed within the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and HSG 247. The works fell within the scope of the new Notifiable Non-Licensable Works (NNLW) category, which were duly notified to the Health and Safety Executive.  
 ‘Dust Fighter’ units were strategically positioned to ensure the asbestos cement roof sheets were suitably wetted down, before being control collapsed down to the ground floor slab. Wetted asbestos cement was carefully cleared and consigned to designated skips before onward transportation to a local licensed landfill facility.
Background monitoring was carried out during the asbestos removal works, ensuring surrounding areas were certificated as being free from any asbestos fibre release.
The works were completed safely without interference with neighbouring premises, within the allotted timescale to the full satisfaction of the Main Contractor and Tesco Stores UK.
